Each child is given the opportunity to optimally and individually, technically and tactically football training within the scope of their personal capabilities. The training is under the direction of DFB / UEFA-licensed trainers with many years of experience in the field of children and youth, because: Children's training is not reduced youth training - and youth training is not reduced adult training.
Our team of trainers includes trainers with a DFB / UEFA A license, DFB / UEFA Youth Elite license, DFB / UEFA B license, certified trainers from the German Sports Association, teacher training students, students of sports science and trained trainers in children's and youth and Bambini area.
Up-to-date and, above all, age-appropriate, state-of-the-art training is the basis of our regular, weekly basic, advanced, support and talent training. Various training methods and training teachings from the children and youth sector of some renowned youth coaches and top international clubs are incorporated and are used in regular training (Coerver method, Ajax Amsterdam Juniors, Junior Team FC Bayern Munich, VfB Stuttgart Youth, AC Milan Football School, FC Barcelona Youth academy, DFB youth development, game intelligence training according to Horst Wein, etc.).
In doing so, we question ourselves at all times and reflect the training content on its feasibility with regard to the performance level of the players and ultimately their application in the game. The goal are playful and self-confident players who are aware of their strengths and can therefore act more successfully in a team.
In addition, we are in contact with some regional NLZ / Bundesliga clubs. Football school players will z. B. given the possibility of trial training. Switching to an NLZ too early (children's soccer field) must be carefully and critically examined. Years of experience clearly show that a later change to a NLZ, at the earliest from the U12 / U13 area, is characterized by greater success in the long term.
But also children without a club, beginners - or children who simply have fun playing football, are with us in groups that are as good as possible individually promoted in the best possible way and as a result gain a healthy self-confidence.
The development as a (player) personality is also promoted and value competencies such as team spirit, fairness, tolerance, assertiveness or the independent solving of problems or conflict situations are conveyed and demanded to the young up-and-coming footballers.
The necessary fun in football naturally plays an important role in training. "Those who have fun learn more easily" (Jean Piquet). The result is an increased training motivation of the children and thus a far better basis so that learning can take place more easily. We have set ourselves the goal of not only offering high-quality training in terms of football, but also to meet all of the pedagogical guidelines for upbringing children and young people. For example, we cooperate with kindergarten teachers and teacher training students and appreciate them as members of our trainer and support team.
We offer all children a great learning atmosphere in which the young athletes can develop, try out and develop in a way that is appropriate to their age while having a lot of fun with football.
Since the truth is ultimately not in lip service, but on the (soccer) field, you are welcome to convince yourself of our training and would be happy to come to two non-binding "trial training".
Until then, I wish all parents and their offspring a lot of fun chasing after the round leather.
Sven Fellmann
ladder Young Sports football school (DFB / UEFA A license coach)
Aber auch vereinslose Kinder, Anfänger - oder Kinder die einfach Spaß am Fußball spielen haben, werden bei uns in möglichst leistungsadäquaten Gruppen individuell bestmöglich gefördert und erlangen in Folge dessen ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein.
Ebenso wird die Entwicklung als (Spieler-) Persönlichkeit vorangetrieben und den jungen Nachwuchskickern und Kickerinnen Wertekompetenzen wie Teamgeist, Fairness, Toleranz, Durchsetzungsvermögen oder aber das selbstständige lösen von Problemen oder Konfliktsituationen vermittelt und eingefordert.
Der nötige Spaß am Fußball nimmt natürlich eine gewichtige Rolle im Training mit ein. "Wer Spaß hat lernt leichter" (Jean Piquet). Eine erhöhte Trainingsmotivation der Kinder ist die Folge und somit eine weit bessere Basis, damit Lernen einfacher stattfinden kann. Wir haben uns zum Ziel gesetzt, nicht nur fußballerisch ein hochstehendes Training anzubieten, sondern darüber hinaus auch allen pädagogischen Richtlinien einer Kinder- und Jugenderziehung gerecht zu werden. So kooperieren wir beispielsweise mit Erzieherinnen oder Lehramt-Studenten und schätzen diese ebenso als Mitglieder unseres Trainer- und Betreuerteams.
Allen Kindern wird bei uns eine tolle Lernatmosphäre geboten, in welcher sich die jungen Sportler mit viel Spaß am Fußball, entfalten, ausprobieren und altersgerecht entwickeln können.
Da die Wahrheit letztlich nicht in Lippenbekenntnissen, sondern auf dem (Fußball-)Platz liegt überzeugen Sie sich gerne selbst von unserem Training und kommen mit ihrem Kind zu zwei unverbindlichen "Schnuppertrainings".
Bis dahin wünsche ich allen Eltern mit Ihrem Fußballnachwuchs noch viel Spaß beim Hinterherjagen nach dem runden Leder.
Sven Fellmann
Leiter Fußballschule Young Sports (DFB/ UEFA A-Lizenz Trainer)